Axe Murder Hollow
A Pennsylvania Ghost Story
retold by S.E. Schlosser
Susan and Ned were driving through a wooded empty section of highway. Lightning flashed, thunder roared, the sky went dark in the torrential downpour. “We’d better stop,” said Susan. Ned nodded his head in agreement. He stepped on the brake, and suddenly the car started to slide on the slick pavement. They plunged off the road and slid to a halt at the bottom of an incline. Pale and shaking, Ned quickly turned to check if Susan was all right. When she nodded, Ned relaxed and looked through the rain soaked windows. “I’m going to see how bad it is,” he told Susan, and when out into the storm. She saw his blurry figure in the headlight, walking around the front of the car. A moment later, he jumped in beside her, soaking wet. “The car’s not badly damaged, but we’re wheel-deep in mud,” he said. “I’m going to have to go for help.” Susan swallowed nervously. There would be no quick rescue here. He told her to turn off the headlights and lock the doors until he returned. Axe Murder Hollow. Although Ned hadn’t said the name aloud, they both knew what he had been thinking when he told her to lock the car. This was the place where a man had once taken an axe and hacked his wife to death in a jealous rage over an alleged affair. Supposedly, the axe-wielding spirit of the husband continued to haunt this section of the road. Outside the car, Susan heard a shriek, a loud thump, and a strange gurgling noise. But she couldn’t see anything in the darkness. Frightened, she shrank down into her seat. She sat in silence for a while, and then she noticed another sound. Bump. Bump. Bump. It was a soft sound, like something being blown by the wind. Suddenly, the car was illuminated by a bright light. An official sounding voice told her to get out of the car. Ned must have found a police officer. Susan unlocked the door and stepped out of the car. As her eyes adjusted to the bright light, she saw it. Hanging by his feet from the tree next to the car was the dead body of Ned. His bloody throat had been cut so deeply that he was nearly decapitated. The wind swung his corpse back and forth so that it thumped against the tree. Bump. Bump. Bump. Susan screamed and ran toward the voice and the light. As she drew close, she realized the light was not coming from a flashlight. Standing there was the glowing figure of a man with a smile on his face and a large, solid, and definitely real axe in his hands. She backed away from the glowing figure until she bumped into the car. “Playing around when my back was turned,” the ghost whispered, stroking the sharp blade of the axe with his fingers. “You’ve been very naughty.” The last thing she saw was the glint of the axe blade in the eerie, incandescent light.
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Pembunuhan Kapak berongga
Sebuah Ghost Story Pennsylvania
diceritakan kembali oleh S.E. Schlosser
Susan dan Ned mengendarai mobil melalui bagian kosong berhutan jalan raya. Petir menyambar, guntur meraung, langit menjadi gelap dalam hujan lebat.
"Sebaiknya kita berhenti," kata Susan.
Ned mengangguk setuju. Ia menginjak rem, dan tiba-tiba mobil mulai meluncur di trotoar licin. Mereka terjun dari jalan dan meluncur berhenti di bawah sebuah bidang miring.
Pucat dan gemetar, Ned cepat berubah untuk memeriksa apakah Susan benar semua. Ketika ia mengangguk, Ned santai dan melihat melalui jendela basah karena hujan
"Aku akan melihat bagaimana buruk itu," katanya kepada Susan, dan ketika keluar ke badai. Dia melihat sosok kabur di lampu, berjalan mengitari bagian depan mobil. Sesaat kemudian, ia melompat di sampingnya, basah kuyup.
"Mobil tidak rusak parah, tapi roda-dalam di lumpur," katanya. "Aku harus pergi untuk membantu."
Susan menelan ludah dengan gugup. Tidak akan ada penyelamatan cepat di sini. Dia mengatakan dia mematikan lampu dan mengunci pintu sampai ia kembali.
Axe Pembunuhan Hollow. Meskipun Ned tidak mengatakan nama itu keras-keras, mereka berdua tahu apa yang dia telah berpikir ketika ia menyuruhnya mengunci mobil. Ini adalah tempat di mana seorang pria pernah mengambil kapak dan memotong istrinya sampai mati karena cemburu atas dugaan affair. Seharusnya, semangat bersenjata kapak suami terus menghantui bagian jalan.
Di luar mobil, Susan mendengar jeritan, suara berdebum keras, dan suara menggelegak aneh. Tapi dia tidak bisa melihat apa-apa dalam kegelapan.
Ketakutan, ia menyusut ke dalam kursinya. Dia duduk dalam keheningan untuk beberapa saat, dan kemudian dia melihat suara lain. Bump. Bump. Bump. Itu adalah suara lembut, seperti sesuatu yang ditiup oleh angin.
Tiba-tiba, mobil itu diterangi oleh cahaya terang. Terdengar suara resmi menyuruhnya keluar dari mobil. Ned harus telah menemukan petugas polisi. Susan membuka pintu dan melangkah keluar dari mobil. Saat matanya disesuaikan dengan cahaya terang, ia melihatnya.
Tergantung dengan kakinya dari pohon di sebelah mobil itu mayat Ned. Tenggorokan berdarah sudah dipotong begitu dalam sehingga ia hampir dipenggal. Angin mengayunkan mayatnya bolak-balik sehingga menepuk terhadap pohon. Bump. Bump. Bump.
Susan menjerit dan berlari ke arah suara dan cahaya. Saat ia mendekat, ia menyadari cahaya itu bukan berasal dari senter. Berdiri di sana adalah tokoh bersinar seorang pria dengan senyum di wajahnya dan sebuah kapak besar, padat, dan pasti nyata dalam tangannya. Dia mundur dari sosok bercahaya sampai ia menabrak mobil.
"Bermain-main ketika kembali saya berubah," bisik hantu, mengelus pisau tajam kapak dengan jari-jarinya. "Kau sudah sangat nakal."
Hal terakhir yang dilihatnya adalah kilatan pisau kapak dalam cahaya, menakutkan pijar.
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